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Handy Motoring Tips from AutoMates

If you’re concerned about constantly fluctuating fuel prices,

you’re not alone.


Here’s an easy way to save hundreds of dollars every year on fuel.


You’ve probably noticed the significant variance in fuel prices  in

your local area like we have. The disparity in pricing occurs not

only daily but also at certain times during the day and night.

Geographic location also comes into play, and whether you’re

driving past an iconic branded station or an independent operator.

Even neighbouring fuel stations can sometimes differ dramatically

in their pricing.


Spend a week or two monitoring your local fuel station prices and you’ll soon discover what day and time they are typically at their lowest, and when they spike.


Recent fuel price analysis in our area showed a difference of up to 32 cents per litre on a Tuesday morning compared to a Friday afternoon. Driving a medium size 4 cylinder vehicle 20,000kms a year that consumes an average 10 litres per 100kms could save you over $12 per weekly fill, or around $640 per year.


Combine that with regular use of fuel voucher ‘shop-a-dockets’ at participating fuel stations and you’ll leverage a further 4c off per litre, which translates into an annual saving of around $720. That could essentially cover your insurance, CTP or registration costs every year.


So how can you take advantage of this information and ensure you always buy fuel at the lowest price?


Simple. First visit a fuel pricing website like - check out what fuel stations are in your area and the pricing for your fuel type.


Keep any eye out for the ones in your locale with consistently lower pricing.


Once you determine the best day and time to buy fuel, just set a recurring weekly calendar note in your smartphone around that time and you’ll have a handy reminder.  Fill up even if you have half a tank left – it all adds up, and it’s an easy way to help the household budget.


Oh, and don’t forget to keep those fuel vouchers in your glove box after your grocery shop and you’ll always have them handy.


So get cracking and find the best day to buy fuel for you!


The team @ AutoMates

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