Utes are Beaut!
I don’t think there is a more apt Australian catch phrase.
What is it with us Aussies and our love affair with Utes,
aka Utility Vehicles?
It wasn’t that long ago that only tradies and construction companies bought them, fit for purpose. The rest of us simply drove our family SUVs, hatches, sedans and wagons around. And not having vinyl floors in your work ute made you the laughing stock at the pub on a Friday arvo. “Carpet? You’re kidding, mate! You’re shout.”
Turn the clock forward a few decades and we have sophisticated utes today produced by almost every manufacturer. They are no longer cheap and nasty, but have truly come of age with well equipped luxury appointments, 5 star ANCAP safety ratings and more accessories and options than you can poke a didgeridoo at.
Many Aussie Mums & Dads are choosing to swap their mainstream cars for a more versatile family vehicle - one that can drag a large leisure craft around, accomodate a few trail bikes, camping or scuba gear in the back, yet still look great in the corporate carpark Monday morning. And the more they stand out the more popular they are. Anyone for a burnt orange metallic paint job and massive wheels & flares?
Even electric isn’t stopping the Ute revolution - Rivian, a leading EV start up manufacturer, is producing a fully electric Ute and an SUV in the hope of prying open your wallet for something state of the art, a little different and very practical. See
The Toyota Hilux and Ford Ranger have lead the pack for years, but there are a few others now leading the race.
Manufacturers are throwing plenty of marketing cash around too to attract discerning buyers. For example Isuzu Ute is ‘Drive Car of the Year 2021 Best Dual Cab Ute’ and now sponsors the A League Football and Surf Life Saving Australia. At the other end of the spectrum there are Chinese models like LDV which make a very sound vehicle for the price with a decent warranty.
We’ve sourced and financed many Utes for our clients over the years, and it’s not slowing down any time soon. They now hold their value very well, particularly with current stock challenges in both the new and used ute market.
Have you ever owned a ute? Perhaps you still do. What did you love or loathe about it?
The team at AutoMates